martes, 6 de enero de 2015


In this activity we will use animal puppets for fingers.

First of all we will present puppets for children, who can name all the animals and some of their characteristics, as an example, what kind of food they eat or where they live.

Once children know all these type, we put a puppet in a box and children have to find out which animal is gone, making him questions to the teacher, for example, does he eat meat? Does he live in the jungle? Does he have fur or feathers?

Once they have guessed, we can do the same game but for couples as children will find it much easier and everyone can participate.


British Council - Teaching Speaking Techniques (John Kay)

This video teaches different techniques for working speaking in class with students.
First explains the importance of having a class organized before you start, because that teacher and students will be more relaxed.

He also talks about which are better to work in groups, because that child can help each other. In older children, it is better to work in pairs.

When explaining something in class, it is important to know if all the children have understood that we know seeing if children do you have said. If a child has not understood it back to explain.

Finally explains that when we do activities with the children, we cannot talk at the same time, because we listen to what they say.

Teaching Activities - British Council - BBC

As the previous video, this video explains some techniques for classroom activities. The examples in the video are from a school in Thailand.

In this video we explained the importance of choosing the theme of activities in a careful way, should be a topic that interests them children to be motivated to do the activities.

Some of the activities shown in this video are for example a debate with older children is a very good activity because everyone has to participate. First are divided into small groups to see if they will be for or against the topic and then everyone has to make their point.

For younger children, the activity that offers us is, from the image of a story or text, children make predictions about what they think is going to happen, then the teacher reads the story.

Carol Read: Ideas for using flashcards

This has been one of the videos that I liked because I think that I can apply it in the classroom.
In this video, Carol Read explains various activities to use flashcards in the classroom with young children. I think that is a useful flashcard for use in class because it helps children learn vocabulary material and is an alternative method to learn and I think that they find it much easier.

Some of the activities presented to us are:

-Slowly, Slowly
-What´s missing?
-Magic eyes
-Lip Reading
-Flashcard riddles
-Flashcard groups
-Hands on heads
-Flashcard chain
- Kim´s game

Activities that I liked most were:

-What's Missing? Because it is an activity in which children have to be much focused and has to be very fast.

-Lip Reading: This is another activity that I really liked; I think it could work in pairs so that all children participate.

Carol Read: The secret of working with children.

In this video, Carol Read teaches a series of techniques and activities for teaching a second language to young children.

I found it very interesting because it teaches us how to explain a second language through songs, dances, and other different techniques that teachers can implement in the classroom.

One thing that I liked was that she explained the activity and then people doing activities with her, so much better understands the activities and the conference becomes more enjoyable


In this handout we can find some different activities on storytelling.

The stories that are based activities are:

1-. The bus won´t go

2-. The big pot

3-. The balloom

4-. Mr Morgan´s music shop

The two stories that I liked more were the 1(The bus won´t go) and 4 (Mr Morgan´s music shop), because from my point of view I believe that children are the easiest to understand. The two stories repeated much the structures, so that children find it easier to follow and understand the story.

1-. The activity that I liked more was the Activity 2 (Making deliberate mistakes) because it is an activity in which everyone can participate in groups. This activity gives you the option of making it more difficult for the age of the children.

2-. The activity that I liked more was Activity 2 (Role playing during the telling) because it is an activity in which all children can participate actively. From my point of view, this activity would after reading the story, not during reading.

3 The activity that I liked more was Children telling the end of the story, this activity is more individual than before, but it seems very interesting because children develop their creativity.

4-. The activity that I liked more was Using music and sound effect, because children learn as they sound instruments through the story

DRAMA: Shadow Puppets Performance. The little red he

Here is the video Carolina, Alba and me have prepared for our drama lesson using our shadow puppets to represent "The little red hen" story. Hope you like it!

And now you can see some pictures from the making of:

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015



This story is a traditional history that I knew before. Before starting to read it I could imagine what was going to happen and how the story would end. After reading the story, I realized that this story was not as I thought, the story characters were the same, but the argument and the end of the story are different.

This kind of story, with characters that are always the same but with the arguments changed, I think they are very interesting for use in the classroom, as you give your children to know other different stories.


This story is like the story above, I thought it was going to be the story I know but no. In this case, the protagonist is like a hero. As before, this story has the same characters, but gives a different argument approach.

From my point of view I find very interesting tell it to the children in class, because sure that are surprised to see that history is not like they thought it would be.


The reasons why I have chosen this book have been

               -Some words can be illustrated or paraphrased so that learners can work out the meaning.

               -The story should also have a logical progression and it should lead to a satisfying conclusion.

               -Use illustrations to provide comprehension support to the story.

               -Use simple constructions.

               -Use short sentences

               -Don’t use too many unfamiliar words.

               -Use easier or already known words instead of more difficult and less useful ones.


Basing on the criteria for choosing a book, the reasons why that I have chosen the story of Three Little pigs have been.

               -Use redundancy and explicitness to help the reader deal with unfamiliar items.

               -The story should also have a logical progression and it should lead to a satisfying                              conclusion.

               -Use illustrations to provide comprehension support to the story.

               -Use simple constructions.

               -Use short sentences.

               -Don’t use too many unfamiliar words.

               -Use easier or already known words instead of more difficult and less useful ones.


This handout has different types of storytelling activities to work with children.

This handout I really like and I find it very useful because all activities is proposed in the handout are well explained and in all activities is indicated: level, age, organization, AIMS, language focus, materials, procedure, comments and suggestion.

The activities that more I liked were:

Finger story: this activity is to make a puppet theatre with the fingers while you tell the story. I love this activity because it is a different way of telling stories in class and I think that children will pay more attention to the story. I think this activity is appropriate for younger children who are beginning to learn English.

Feeze!: the next activity I liked most was Freeze !: this activity the children had to represent the animals of the story with mime, and when the teacher says Freeze all children have to stay frozen in the position in which they are. This activity seems very fun to learn English in class. I think this kind of activities do children learn English in a fun way and they enjoy it more.

The last activity that has caught my attention was Class Play: In this activity the children had to do a theatre play about a story that had already read them in class. I really like this type of activity because all the children in the class can participate together while they are learning English in a more active and participatory way.