miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014


This activity consisted of putting on a song and creating an activity for our classmates related to this song, so we could know if they had understood it or they had not. 
The song talk about the animals who live in a farm, and we think that this tipe of song are easy and funny for vey young children. 
This activity consists of cross out with a pencil the animals that appear in the song. 
i think that this type of activitys are very interesting for children becouse they learn and practice listening skills but more entertaining



domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014



There are 25 cards which have pictures about the vocabulary of jobs, places, machines and tools.
The teacher will give to her students’ one card which only the pupil who has it will be able to see. They will have to cover them.
One by one the students will have to explain and describe their cards and, the other pupils will have to guess the answer. The first player who guesses it correctly will get the card. If anybody can guess, the teacher will get the card.

Who has more cards at the end of the game, will be the winner.


Before doing the next activity, we will have to explain the vocabulary which is going to appear in this exercise: princes, wolf, ring, eagle, frog…
When the teacher knows that everybody has understood the words she will be able to star with this game.
In this activity, there are different cards with this vocabulary and the teacher will distribute them to her pupils.
When everybody has their cards, the teacher will choose one of the students and he will start with the story.
What they have to do is, with their cards, make a domino based on one story. The first one will have to invent the beginning of the story and he will have to end it with a word which appears in other student´s card. And the child, who has that card, will have to continue with the story.
To help them, the teacher will have to put in the blackboard the pictures which appear in each card.


In this activity we have nine bodies which are divided in three parts: their heads, their bodies and their legs. They are divided with a line so before doing the activity the teacher will have to cut this line.
After that, the teacher will give to her pupils the different part that she has and her students will have to walk around the class describing the person who they are looking for.
They should not show the card to each other until they are almost sure that they have found the right card.
The first trio who have the correct body, will are who win.
Finally, when everybody has found their bodies, each group will describe their pictures for the rest of the class.


We are going to do this activity not only to improve our children´s speaking but also because is a good way to meet our schoolmates.
In this activity we have two types of cards. The first one only has periods of time and, the second one, has different experiences.
The teacher will have to separate her children in two groups which have those cards.
The groups which have the experiences cards will have to question to the other group when they have done what they have in their cards. And, the other group will have to answer using their cards too.
The player who has asked must decide if the answer is plausible or not according to their knowledge of the player.
If the answer isn´t plausible they have to looking for the correct one.



There are 16 cards of different places to do this activity. As the same as the first activity, the teacher will have to give to her pupils one of them.
When everybody has one card will have to describe one by one the place which appears in the card and the other children will have to guess the name of the place.




-What can you see in the picture? Can you describe me one alien that appear in the picture?

-Have you seen any aliens before?

-Where do you think they are?


-Have all the aliens the same parts of the body?

-Do you think that any of these aliens is bad? 


-Paint the aliens with the same colour that appear in the story.

-What your favourite aliens? Why?

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

NARRACIÓN Y DRAMATIZACIÓN: The three little pigs 

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They lived with their mother but one day they decided to build their home.

They built three houses for each one.

The first pig used straw to build his house.

The second pig used stick build his house.

And the third pig used brick to build his house.

One day a wolf was going for a walk and he saw the first house. He knocked on the door and he said.

               -“Hello, Is anyone thee?”

The pig was terrified and he didn´t open the door.

The wolf got hungry and blew and blew and the house fall down.

 The pig run and run to his brother’s house. When the wolf arrived at the second house, he knocked on the door and he said.

               -“Hello, Is anyone thee?”

The pigs were terrified and they didn´t open the door.

The wolf got hungry and blew and blew and the house fall down.

The pigs run and run to their bother´s house. When the wolf arrived at the second house, he knocked on the door and he said.

               -“Hello, Is anyone thee?”

But now, the three pigs opened the door.

               -“Hello, what do you want?” the pig said.

               -“I´m hungry. Can I eat with you?”

               -“NO! You want to eat us! ” the pig cried.

               -“NO! I don´t like pigs I don´t eat meat, I hate it! I only eat vegetables” the wolf   said.

The wolf walked inside the house and all of them ate a great salad very happy.

Finally they were friends.
NARRACIÓN Y DRAMATIZACIÓN: Reader Room on the broom. (Laura Pinheiro y Carolina Ruiz)


Once upon a time there was a witch who had a cat, and a very tall hat.
She also had a very long hair, which she wore in a plait.
The cat and the witch sat on their broomstick, and Whoosh! They flew through the wind.

Suddenly the wind blew, and the witch her hat lost.
“Down!” Said the witch, and they flew to the ground.
They searched for the hat, but no hat they found.
Out of the bushes a dog appeared, he had the witch´s hat between his teeth.

“I am a dog as friendly as can be,
Is there room on the broom for a dog like me?
“Yes!” said the witch, and the dog clambered on.
The witch said “Let´s go” and Whoosh! They were gone.

Over the forest they flew when suddenly…
The wind blew and the witch her bow lost.
“Down”! Said the witch, and they flew to the ground.
They searched for the bow, but no bow they found.
Out of a tree a bird appeared, he had the witch´s bow between his beak.

“I am a bird as friendly as can be,
Is there room on the broom for a bird like me?”
“Yes!” said the witch, and the bird clambered on.
The witch said “Let´s go” and Whoosh! They were gone.

Over the rivers they flew when suddenly…
The wind blew and the witch her wand lost.
“Down!” said the witch and they flew to the ground.
They searched for the wand, but no wand they found.
Out of a pound a frog appeared, he had the witch´s wand into his hands.

“I am a frog as friendly as can be,
Is there room on the broom for a frog like me?”
“Yes!” said the witch, and the frog clambered on.
The witch said “Let´s go!” and Whoosh! They were gone.

There were all flying happily when the broom broke in two.
Down fell the cat and the dog and the frog.
And the witch heard a voice that was scary and loud.
“I am a dragon as unfriendly as can be,
And I´m planning to have witch for my tea”

“Help!” said the witch, as she started to run.
When a horrible beast appeared from the dark.
The dragon was scared, he started to cried,
As quickly as he could, he flew through the dark.

The terrible beast was the witch´s animal friends,
They had created a tower to made the dragon left.
The witch filled up her couldrum: “Iggety, Ziggety, Zaggety, ZOM!!”
From out of the couldrum flew a new super broom.
With seats for the witch, and the cat and the dog,
A nest for the bird and a shower for the frog.
The witch said “Let´s go!” and Whoosh! They were gone.